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Many organisations want to make significant change, quickly. And they need their leaders to be on their ‘A’ game. Perhaps your organisation needs to transform ways of working, or introduce new services, or increase your resilience to volatility in the sector. Whatever the strategic goals, your leaders need to be well equipped and well supported to lead their teams through significant and often constant change. And whilst corporate leadership programmes provide a good foundation, they just can’t be sufficiently tailored to meet individuals’ specific needs.


Through a bespoke coaching programme, organisations like yours can invest in the development of their leaders in a targeted and efficient way. By enabling and supporting your leaders to have even greater impact as individuals, a hugely positive ripple effect is created: for those leaders’ team-members, their colleagues, and – through the improved achievement of strategic goals - for your organisation’s end-users and stakeholders, or customers and shareholders.


Leadership coaching enables leaders to:

  • make better decisions and create more effective plans that actually get implemented

  • work on and resolve specific development needs

  • improve their resilience and wellbeing

  • provide more inspirational leadership to their teams, which in turn helps to unlock their team-members’ performance

  • navigate organisational politics.


My coaching programmes are bespoke, designed to fit your organisation’s context, culture and goals as well as the specific development needs of your people. I have worked with organisations to help support leaders who are taking on a new role or additional responsibilities, and to support colleagues during significant change and uncertainty. I’ve worked with leaders identified as having high potential (including preparation for Board-level roles), as well as those looking to work on specific development objectives.


I particularly love working with purpose-led organisations. In line with my personal values, I offer discounted rates to not-for-profit and other socially-minded organisations. Having been a senior leader working to make a difference in public-sector organisations over 15 years, I know it can be far from easy: for example, due to organisational cultures and politics, budget constraints, slow-moving bureaucracy, inconsistent leadership, or complex regulatory and external contexts. I’ve led teams in various sectors and functions (during good times and bad!) and – although my coaching approach is non-advisory – my experiences and empathy help me create an ideal space for coaching others in those positions.


I’ll help your leaders find and use the right mix of art and science to do their most impactful and meaningful work.”

If my support would help your organisation, please get in touch with me here. I’d love to discuss it further with you.

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